cancer of the shinpads

June 18, 2006

Where was I?

A novel experience, this - a day when I actually get to watch some live football.

While I realised the early afternoon games were always going to be a bit of a problem during the week, I've not been away from work early enough this week to catch even the final whistle of any of the 5pm matches. Let's not even start on the fact I've only made it home in time for kick-off in one of the late games.

It all makes for an excellent World Cup blog, I'm sure you'll agree. I'll be writing to FIFA to encourage all future tournaments to be held in crazy timezones.

Anyway - back to the matter in hand.

I may well be alone in this, but I still believe Japan are a team. Not a team that's likely to make it into the knockout stages, but a team nevertheless.

To listen to some, they are no more than lambs to the slaughter; but, I don't think they are without quality. Aside from a good attitude across the team, generally, Alex has impressed me. They also have a half-decent goalkeeper and, in Nakamura, a lovely ball player.

Certainly, they lack something up front. There's nobody with the power to hold the ball up, so everything has to be quick and, very often, long range.

However, I admire the way they try to play the game and I think there's a good chance they could take points off Croatia this afternoon. At least until the 83rd minute.


  • Japan should take a leaf out of Croatia's book and wear a white shirt with a big red circle in the middle. If nothing else, it would have provided a handy target for when the Aussies wanted to "tackle" them.

    By Blogger dotmund, at 9:29 am  

  • I like this idea.

    By Blogger colin, at 1:02 pm  

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